Scan QR Code by using SmarTone mobile network
Please scan QR Code
Please scan QR Code
Please scan QR Code
Please scan QR Code
Please scan QR Code
Please scan QR Code
Please scan the QR code and subscribe via SmarTone CARE app
Please scan QR Code
Please scan the QR code and subscribe via SmarTone CARE app
Please scan the QR code and subscribe via SmarTone CARE app
Please scan the QR code and subscribe via SmarTone CARE app
Please scan the QR code and subscribe via SmarTone CARE app
Please scan the QR code and subscribe via SmarTone CARE app
Please scan the QR code and subscribe via SmarTone CARE app
Please scan the QR code and download the App
Please scan the QR code
1. Go to Settings and select “Satellite Network” |
2. Select “Satellite Communication” |
3. Enable “Satellite Communication” |
4. Follow the instructions, adjust your phone position to search for satellite signal |
5. Follow the instructions to adjust the phone direction for satellite network connection |
6. Once the network is successfully connected, you will find two options: “Phone” and “Message” |
7. You can now make calls or send SMS via the satellite |