Country / Region | International call prefix | Area Code | Time Difference |
UNITED KINGDOM 英國 | 44 | --- | -7 to -8 |
Birmingham 伯明翰 | 44 | 121 | -7 to -8 |
Cambridge 劍橋 | 44 | 1223 | -7 to -8 |
Edinburgh 愛丁堡 | 44 | 131 | -7 to -8 |
Gatwick 吉威 | 44 | 1293 | -7 to -8 |
Glasgow 格拉斯哥 | 44 | 141 | -7 to -8 |
Inner 內倫敦 | 44 | 209 | -7 to -8 |
Liverpool 利物蒲 | 44 | 151 | -7 to -8 |
London 倫敦 | 44 | 20 | -7 to -8 |
Manchester 曼徹斯特 | 44 | 161 | -7 to -8 |
Outer 外倫敦 | 44 | 208 | -7 to -8 |
Oxford 牛津 | 44 | 1865 | -7 to -8 |
Country / Region | Peak Rate* (9:00AM - 8:59PM) |
Off Peak Rate* (9:00PM - 8:59AM) |
UNITED KINGDOM 英國 | 3.99 | 3.99 |
* The above charges are applicable for designated customers. If you would like to enquire about the charges for your registered 1638 IDD, please call our hotline at 2880 2688.
Terms and Conditions for this Service