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1638 IDD

Country & area code
Country / Region International call prefix Area Code Time Difference
JAPAN 日本 81 --- +1
Fukuoka 福岡 81 92 +1
Hiroshima 廣島 81 82 +1
Kagashima 鹿兒島 81 99 +1
Kawasaki 川崎 81 44 +1
Kitakyushu 北九州 81 93 +1
Kobe 神戶 81 78 +1
Kyoto 京都 81 75 +1
Nagasaki 長崎 81 95 +1
Nagoya 名古屋 81 52 +1
Okinawa 沖繩島 81 98 +1
Osaka 大阪 81 6 +1
Sapporo 扎幌 81 11 +1
Tokyo 東京 81 3 +1
Yokohama 橫濱 81 45 +1

IDD tariff (HK$/min)
Country / Region Peak Rate*
(9:00AM - 8:59PM)
Off Peak Rate*
(9:00PM - 8:59AM)
JAPAN 日本 Fixed 固網 $2.52 / Mobile 流動電話 $2.8 Fixed 固網 $0.92 / Mobile 流動電話 $2.8

* The above charges are applicable for designated customers. If you would like to enquire about the charges for your registered 1638 IDD, please call our hotline at 2880 2688.

  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
  • When dialing an overseas number retrieved from the phone’s call history, a standard 001 IDD tariff will be charged.
  • Calling to Australia: Call to the prefix "61145" & "61147" are charged at HK$34.8/min.
  • Calling to UK: Calls to the prefix "4455", "4456", "447", "448" & "449" are charged at the rate of calling UK mobile phone numbers.
  • If duration of a call covers two time zones, calling rate at the time of connection will be applied to the whole call.
  • Subject to relevant terms and conditions. Please click here for details.