Country / Region | International call prefix | Area Code | Time Difference |
CANADA 加拿大 | 1 | --- | -10.5 to -16 |
Calgary 卡爾加里 | 1 | 403 | -10.5 to -16 |
Edmonton 埃德蒙頓 | 1 | 780 | -10.5 to -16 |
Halifax 哈利法克斯 | 1 | 902 | -10.5 to -16 |
London Ont. | 1 | 519 | -10.5 to -16 |
Metropolitan 市中心 | 1 | 416 | -10.5 to -16 |
Montreal 蒙特利爾 | 1 | 514 | -10.5 to -16 |
Ottawa 渥太華 | 1 | 613 | -10.5 to -16 |
Outer 市外圍 | 1 | 905 | -10.5 to -16 |
Quebec 魁北克 | 1 | 418 | -10.5 to -16 |
Saskatoon 薩斯卡通 | 1 | 306 | -10.5 to -16 |
Toronto 多倫多 | 1 | 416/647 | -10.5 to -16 |
Vancouver 溫哥華 | 1 | 778/604/672 | -10.5 to -16 |
Windsor 溫澤爾 | 1 | 519 | -10.5 to -16 |
Winnipeg 溫尼伯 | 1 | 204 | -10.5 to -16 |
Yukon 育空 | 1 | 867 | -10.5 to -16 |
Country / Region | Peak Rate* (9:00AM - 8:59PM) |
Off Peak Rate* (9:00PM - 8:59AM) |
CANADA 加拿大 | 1.28 | 0.67 |
* The above charges are applicable for designated customers. If you would like to enquire about the charges for your registered 1638 IDD, please call our hotline at 2880 2688.
Terms and Conditions for this Service