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5G Home Broadband Speed Test (Some article is available in Chinese only)

5G Home Broadband Speed Test (Some article is available in Chinese only)

(Some article is available in Chinese only)

How to Fix Slow Internet and Disconnection Issues When Moving or Renting in Central and Western District?

Ever since the Island Line extended to Kennedy Town, many are considering moving to Central and Western district for a more peaceful lifestyle away from the hustle and bustle of the city. But for Hong Kongers, you can’t take away the convenience despite living a more peaceful lifestyle, especially now with more people working from home after the pandemic. Lots of old buildings and Chinese mansions in Central and Western district may not have access to fibre broadband. The drastic decline in internet speed makes online gaming and video calling a frustrating experience, let alone streaming 4K videos. That’s why journalist decided to take to the residential areas and popular communities in Central and Western district to put Home 5G Broadband, which has gained popularity in recent years, to the test. The mission? To find out if it can really solve home internet issues without the hassle of wiring.

Slow internet in Central and Western District? A Home 5G Broadband Test – The Ultimate Internet Solution?

Ever since the Island Line extended to Kennedy Town, many are considering moving to Central and Western district for a more peaceful lifestyle away from the hustle and bustle of the city. But for Hong Kongers, you can’t take away the convenience despite living a more peaceful lifestyle, especially now with more people working from home after the pandemic. Lots of old buildings and Chinese mansions in Central and Western district may not have access to fibre broadband. The drastic decline in internet speed makes online gaming and video calling a frustrating experience, let alone streaming 4K videos. That’s why journalist decided to take to the residential areas and popular communities in Central and Western district to put Home 5G Broadband, which has gained popularity in recent years, to the test. The mission? To find out if it can really solve home internet issues without the hassle of wiring.

上水大埔村屋實測! 5G家居寬頻睇片打機夠唔夠用?

免拉線及免搬遷費嘅Home 5G 家居寬頻,唔單止比傳統固網寬頻方便,部分村屋唐樓更因地點問題,長期要「捱」只得8Mbps 的ADSL電話線上網,令唔少用家都心思思轉用5G家居寬頻。

Which is the best 5G home broadband? Village house 5G broadband speed test!

Internet in village houses has always been a problem because: Landline installations are needed for home Broadband in rural areas before getting fibre coverage, installing landlines at home is troublesome High monthly fees and even charge relocation fees There are only 8Mbps landline connections in some rural areas Luckily with the launch of 5G in 2020, village house's life-changing 5G home broadband emerged! Residents switched to the faster 5G home broadband, successfully solving their slow home internet problems, and creating a new trend!

Village House/Chinese Mansion 5G Home Broadband Speed Test. Enjoy a stable network even without fibre at home

Living rural village houses and Chinese mansions, home broadband has become synonymous with “slow internet” due to the following limitations: Fewer home internet plans compared to other places , Installing landlines for home broadband is very troublesome , Only 8M landline connections are available in general, internet is so slow and laggy.